2806 Fox Meadow Ln
Jonesboro, AR, 72404
For everyone's security, we require that all visitors check in at the office.
Insurance, Medicaid, PASSEs
Residential facility to provide a comfortable community based living environment for individuals with developmental disabilities.
The individuals who live at the David Puryear Center enjoy community events such as Special Olympics, tennis, festivals, public library and parks.
The clients enjoy attending the ASU Redwolf football games.
Special Olympics provide opportunities for our clients to make friends and enjoy learning new skills.
We have several parks in Jonesboro that our clients enjoy going to.
If you have a loved one in your life who is reaching an age of independence but still needs help mastering certain skills, then look to The Learning Center of Northeast Arkansas, Inc for our David E. Puryear Center for disabled adults. Our in-residence adult disability care center is equipped to provide a home-like environment that allows residents to develop their independent living skills fully.
Our center includes a 10-bed intermediate care facility for adults with intellectual disabilities ages 18 and up, and provides:
Contact us today to see if the David E. Puryear center is right for your loved one.
We appreciate you contacting us. One of our colleagues will get back in touch with you soon!
Have a great day!
Jonesboro Chamber of Commerce
David E. Puryear Center
2806 Fox Meadow Ln
Jonesboro, AR 72404
The Learning Center is in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act. Below, you can find some additional resources and information about our center!
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